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I forgot to do this weeks ago but here is the Superlative Voting Form for anyone that is interested:

Superlative Voting ends when the Jam Voting Ends.

I thought this was a very lovely concept, and it's different than most submissions because you had two 'routes.' True was a dear, but I would have liked to see the narrator call Lupus's bluffs. He felt like he was just horny baiting you the whole time, which is fine, but nothing ever actually happens. And given the inspiration for his character filling in for parts of his backstory, I would have liked less exposition and more action from him. I also wanted to say that the artwork was really well done. Great work!

Hey, can you follow me on BlueSky? I need to have a conversation with you.


(1 edit) (-1)

Hello! I'm A Furry VN Enthusiast, always wanting to try New VNs out there and I seem to found one. Even if this is just a short VN for a jam, I like the story. The art is rather eye pleasing too!

I found out about your VN from this Furry VN Community Discord Server as people share a lot of these May Wolf VNs and have its own special channel to pick & choose The May Wolf VNs that you want to read (like a list). Your VN got shared of course that caught my attention

I thought I'd let you know.

There are already other VN Creators present & if you're looking to share/promote your VN to a wider audience, this is the place for it. They also have resources for VN Development and can search for specific people with talents like artist/musician/proofreader/editor/programmer etc usually needed in making a VN.

Overall, there's a lot of amazing people and a nice atmosphere. I hope you will enjoy the server & wishing you luck for whatever jam/project you're gonna do next!


A few things.

  1. Please mark the PC version as also Linux.
  2. Do you need help with an Android Version?

Ah, thank you!  I've updated the PC version.  I haven't really considered an Android version?

Almost 40% of my downloads for my submission are on Android, which I was surprised to learn. Media consumption is evolving!

P.S. I read your novel and have my comments saved on another PC will post them soon.